Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
give me a sign
Saturday, December 8, 2012 | 10:47 PM | 0 Rain[s]
"Forgive but cannot forget."

Heard that phrase before? Yeah, it is definitely true. One can always forgive, but she will never forget because each and every incident leaves a mark in her heart. Why is it so hard for people to understand that...
I am so fucking tired of trying. I am so damn fucking tired. Every problem seems to be a small thing for you but why does it affect me badly? How do you expect me to spell it out for you? Must I even tell you every single thing that you need to do? Why can't you use your fucking brain to think of how to make this work?
Maybe the problem lies with me right? Because I am such a motherfucking sensitive bitch who pays a lot of attention on small little details about everything.

I am hanging by a thread. Please help me by doing something...don't just sit there, and trying to make a joke out of every problems we face. Everything seems fucking hilarious to you isn't it? Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one staying up all night thinking how to solve problems, while you are sleeping soundly on your bed.

I'm fucking exhausted, and I'm just really tired.
Thursday, August 2, 2012 | 10:15 PM | 0 Rain[s]

Sometimes, we think we have problems, but in fact there is none. Why do we always think that we have a problem? Like, I feel there's problems between us but you feel that there's nothing wrong. So why is it that way? Maybe I see things differently. Or maybe I'm thinking too much and it eats me inside? 

A small little thing called TIME is the problem. I understand your situation. And the thing is, I'm trying to understand mine. I'm not trying to make a small matter seem like a major problem, but if an issue is bothering a person big time, doesn't that sound like a problem? I'm trying to understand myself, what is it that I really want. I know you've been asking me what is it that I want you to change. The thing is, I don't really know. 

I do love you alot. And I know you have done so much for me, sacrificed so much for me, even though some were not seen by the eyes, but I can feel that you're making effort. But let me find myself in this tangled life. There's so much I do wanna tell you but when I'm there right beside you, the words just couldn't come out from my mouth. Sometimes I don't even know how to explain to you when I'm sitting beside you.

Someday I hope you'll come across this post and read it with an open mind. This is the only place that I let out everything that is kept in my heart. I wouldn't want to tell anyone about it.

And maybe you'll understand what I meant this: 
We are sitting right next to each other, but I still feel far away from you.

Raya Raya Raya
Sunday, July 29, 2012 | 8:08 PM | 0 Rain[s]

Pejam kelip pejam kelip da bulan puase. cepat eh? In a few weeks dah hari raye. Tak sabar. Tak sabar because of alot of reasons. Firstly, this year will be the first year I'm celebrating Raya with beloved boify. Secondly, this year will be the first year that Abah will be wearing a proper baju kurung on the first day. Alhamdulillah, dengan pujukan rayu anak kesayangan *ME!!* he has decided to wear one. Tapi samping sume taknak pakai. Tapi takpe, asal kan bukan kemeja and jeans sudah.. :)

This year nye geylang Masyallah.......PUNYE LA RAMAI. da macam sardine can. I don't know what to wear for this year. Macam excited pulak nak beli baju sepasang dengan Lathiff. <3

Plus, can't wait for Reen's and my sis's engagements! :)
the daze
Sunday, June 17, 2012 | 1:20 AM | 0 Rain[s]
Probably? Maybe.

La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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