Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
social rejects, PERIOD!
Thursday, June 14, 2012 | 11:41 PM | 0 Rain[s]
If there are things in life that I simply can't tolerate anymore it has to be the PINOYS and CHINA people in Singapore. They are immigrants from other country and they act as if Singapore is their land of origin. I have had enough, seriously. At first, having them in our community wasn't a bad thing. They contributed to Singapore's increase of economy standards. And yes, I admit the Pinoys are excellent cookie-cutter service people. But, they seriously have forgotten that they are simply NOT from Singapore and they need to respect our culture, our way of life and most importantly OUR LAND! What is Singapore now? Singapore looks like a bunch of Pinoys and China people living on this little red dot. And let me tell you, LITTLE red dot is small and not enormous.

Lemme start with the China people. They act as if they are the boss and they look down on us Singaporeans. Like seriously?! They think they have all the shitnitz talents and we Singaporeans are sore losers. HEY LET ME TELL YOU, alot of the Singaporeans are talented but THEY ARE NOT DISCOVERED. China people are so arrogant they look at us as though we are small ants. Pinoys and China people have one thing in common. They are so unaware of their surroundings and they act as if their culture is a norm in Singapore. Just two days ago, I was in the train going home from Bishan. The train was damn packed. And obviously I need to hold on to the grab pole so that I won't fall. You dunno meh nowadays SMRT like to play rough on the tracks. Suddenly stop like nobody's business. And because the train was damn packed it's difficult for me to balance. And there was these 2 Pinoy ladies, LEANING on the grab pole. The purpose of the grab pole is for people to hold on it firmly so that they won't fall. NOT FOR LEANING. And they lean on that pole as if they wanna do pole-dancing. CMON LA EH you guys looked disgusting doing that.URGGGHH. And poor me I have no space on the pole to grab on. Aku macam nak sepak je muke diorang. Geram betol.

Last year I went to Bali for a holiday. And the people there thought I was from Malaysia. Because I'm a Malay. When I told them I'm actually from Singapore, they were shocked because they thought Singapore only has chinese people. PEOPLE FROM BALI THINKS THAT SINGAPORE IS A CHINESE COUNTRY FOR GOODNESS SAKE. Takleh terime seh. So how does that reflect on Singapore then? And to all the foreigners, you people come to our land, you have to adapt and learn about our culture, RESPECT our culture and way of life. Don't expect us to adapt to YOUR culture and way of life, because you know why??? BECAUSE SINGAPORE IS NOT A FREAKING WELFARE HOME FOR ALL OF YOU!!! Please la, look yourselves in the mirror and know where you stand. 

La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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