Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
Monday, June 11, 2012 | 1:23 AM | 0 Rain[s]
God gave us minds to think, God gave us tongues to talk, He gave us mouths to speak, and He gave us ears to listen. They can be used in only 2 ways: good or bad. In life, we as humans, we make mistakes. Minor ones and major ones. I'm definitely guilty of both. I've done minor mistakes, and major ones too. At times, I feel as though I didn't learn from it, instead I keep repeating the same ones over and over again. I know its the wrong thing to do. Its definitely wrong. Definitely. But I keep going into the fire, and got myself burned. I've come to realise that my life is full of I-shouldn't-haves. I shouldn't have done this and I shouldn't have done that. URGGH goodness gracious save me from all these shit I'm committing. God, give me a sign. I beg you.

La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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