Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
that thing you do
Sunday, September 4, 2011 | 12:27 AM | 0 Rain[s]
I agree, that a kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous. True  isn't it? Just one kiss, and then your heart pops. It's crazy.

Yesterday was a lovely experience. Mom and Dad met him for the first time. And I must say, it went well. Mom and Dad never opened up like how they did yesterday. I was surprised. I know that my parents are friendly, but I didn't expect what I saw yesterday. I felt so relieved. I feel happy. In fact, I'm ecstatic.

Just today Dad called me to come out for a while. He was talking about Raya visits. He mentioned that he wanted the 'four' of us to go. I was a little bit confused, so I gave him my I-don't-get-everything-that-just-came-out-from-your-mouth face. And he said again, "Me, Mak, you and him." I kept quiet for a while, and then smiled. Mom and Dad want him to be there. It was so sweet, and I gave Mom a kiss, and of course, she melatah. Coz the kiss came out of nowhere. And so in hopes of he being able to make it, I asked. But I knew he might be busy with work and stuff. If he can make it, it would be great. Probably the best Raya ever. :) From the looks of the current situation, I know my parents didn't like him, they love him. In fact, as long as I'm in their view, they talk about him. Aren't they adorable? My parents have good taste for sure. Haha.

Anyways, my girl got into the finals for the english story-telling competition. I feel sooo happy! and proud at the same time coz my effort was paid off. I trained 2 girls. But the other girl didn't get through. :( But its ok. She tried her best, and I personally thought she did a wonderful job. Its time to train my girl. She's capable of performing better, I'm sure. :)

Speaking about that, reminds me of work. People over there aren't what I thought they were. They turned out to be as cold as ice. They make you feel as though you're something, like an asset, when you first joined. But a few months after that, they make you feel as though you're nothing, and you'll become transparent. I'm not angry, but I'm extremely disappointed that people who have had qualifications in Psychology and Leadership, act this way in real life. Didn't they learn things like MANNERS during the course? Its so ridiculous. You as a leader let all these things happen. It's so obvious that they're all so pro-chinese and chinese-oriented. Speaking about democracy. No wonder they don't celebrate Racial Harmony Day. *flicks hair*


La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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