Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
Friday, August 12, 2011 | 10:01 PM | 0 Rain[s]
Aaaaand its friday baby! -_____-

Ok so here's the thing.
I realised how crappy and emo I sound on my previous post..I don't know what is wrong with me. I have issues sometimes. Heh. Can't help it. I'm sure everyone has their emo days. Right? Don't you deny!!

So anywaysss, this week felt soooooo good. Because Monday worked half day. Well, actually not exactly half day. Worked from 830am till 1030am. Then Tuesday and Wednesday not working. Worked on Thursday and Friday only. And here comes the weekend! :)

Today was a good day except for the part I had cramps practically the whole day. Still having it now. Hurts like hell. :( But I'm still smiling though. Because of certain things. And nooooo I'm not telling you. Haha. If the wall has ears, then this blog not only has ears, it has eyes, hands, legs, head, and everything anything you can find on a human body. BLUEK!

Was sitting in the living room with Mom and Dad after they buke. Then Dad was saying that I have to be engaged for 5 years, then can get married. Yeah, 5 freaking years. -____-" surely I wouldn't wait that long la duhh. Who would want to. Unless the guy turned out to be a total ass, then that's a different story. Ok why the hell am I talking about marriage again?!

OK SO tomorrow will be Saturday. Not too happy about it because have to wake up early. Got that annoying first aid course to attend. -____- skejap takpe jugak. Its 830am till 530. Practically the whole day. But usually the aci let us go at 4.30.. haha aci. bustard pe Mel.
But on a brighter side, after that gonna go out. :)) That's what I'm looking forward to. :)) Heheeee.

Hopefully I don't stutter or sound awkward. :)

Oh, and I just feel like saying this: Bandung.

Ok bye.


La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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