Status ; Don't love someone just because you need him, but need him because you love him. I love my Abdul Lathiff!!
Such Pretty Words
somewhere, somehow, someone, someday
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 | 1:44 AM | 0 Rain[s]
And its 30th August already. Its fast isn't it? It's Syawal already...
And the year is coming to an end. Felt like last month when everybody celebrated New Years.

So many things has many people I've met. Some good, some bad.... Hmm..
To my ladies, u girls still remember that day? Somewhere this year, that I stumble and fell.
And I felt like dying. Thinking back, I think I'm crazy. Crazy for acting that way for people who don't deserve my attention.
Mentioning you girls makes me miss you guys so much.. :'(

You know, they say people who joke alot, and are always laughing, are actually those who has deep dark secrets. And usually keeps things to themselves. And that they are emotional especially when they're alone. It's quite true.

The other day, a malay boy in the afternoon K1 class was crying. He was standing at the door. Didnt want to sit with the rest on the mat. I saw him when I walked out from the office. I asked him why. He said he misses his Ayah. The thing is, his dad passed away recently, about a few weeks ago. Mdm Gwee said the late father met an accident. My eyes were watery when i heard him said that.....yesterday he told me about his dad, that he didn't get to see his funeral....i was controlling my tears.... :'(

p.s. i hope, i wish, and i pray this would not end up in another disappointment.


La Femme
bottle of secrets

Mellisa B. 30/10/91
Happily in love with my man.

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